March 2020
While some have activated mature business resilience programs, others are coming to terms with the need to pull together plans. From supply chain disruption to the health and safety of employees, companies will need to act quickly in this new environment. Information is at the center of this crisis—companies need to have a clear understanding of this fast-moving situation to make key decisions.
TDI Readiness to Support
As a firm, we have operated through and responded to many crises, wars, and economic uncertainties. At the first sign of potential COVID-19 disruption to our organization, we activated our business continuity plan. This measure allowed us to meet our duty of care to employees, fulfill our social responsibility to help limit the spread of the virus, and keep us operating at the level of quality our clients have come to expect. TDI is fully functional even as our teams work remotely. We have also increased our monitoring operations and remain fully engaged with our global network of sources.
How TDI Can Help
For over 20 years, clients have trusted TDI to find, distill, and guide them through vast amounts of information critical to the success of their global operations. TDI was built on the premise that clients need timely, accurate, and relevant information to make optimal business decisions. Over the years, our core commitment has been to provide trusted advice for our client’s most complex challenges. As a result, we have helped hundreds of multinational organizations, financial institutions, law firms, individuals, and government entities more effectively manage risk throughout the business lifecycle.
It is this background that positions TDI to help clients navigate the complexities of the COVID-19 crisis.
Crisis Intelligence and Business Continuity
TDI combines targeted intelligence with strategic guidance to provide clients with the resources and vision to successfully manage and emerge from a crisis. Currently, we are providing the following support to clients. We are:
● Leveraging our global network to monitor and report on the COVID-19 outbreak on a global scale—communicating daily with public health, financial markets, and commercial experts.
● Activating our on-the-ground contacts to provide clients with local and regional information and support.
● Facilitating meetings between client crisis management teams and medical, business, and intelligence experts to answer questions ranging from specific medical advice to how a company can operationalize guidance from governments, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
● Advising clients on urgent matters as they arise, including what to do if executives or key employees come down with the virus and how to prevent the spread within their organization.
● Reviewing business continuity plans, policies, and procedures to validate or revise as needed, providing critical advice and reassurance to crisis management and human resources teams.
● Separating fact from fiction and working with clients on communications to their employees and other stakeholders.
● Monitoring the current geopolitical implications as well as forward-looking risk (e.g., upcoming elections, trade negotiations, etc.) of the COVID-19 outbreak and what it means to business.
● Preparing clients to eventually emerge from crisis mode guiding them into stable and sustainable operations.
For more information, contact us on +1 202.872.9595 or email us via our website.