Geopolitical, Market, and Crisis Intelligence to Position Clients for Success
Competition in today’s market for people, capital, technology, and information is largely commoditized, with little differentiation. Whether faced with diverging price indicators in a transparent market or with a lack of reliable information in a more opaque environment, TDI positions its clients for success with a decisive information advantage.
TDI leverages our global network of political and commercial experts to provide geopolitical risk intelligence specific to our clients’ objectives—from market entry, to ongoing operations, to exit. We sift through the data—around political and social tensions, local industry dynamics, security, regional relations, and adversaries yet unknown to the client—to provide concise, actionable intelligence that allows clients to accurately assess potential investments and successfully direct their government relations, business transaction, and security efforts.

Geopolitical Intelligence
Whether anticipating event risk or monitoring commodity flow on a real-time basis, TDI specializes in obtaining actionable market information. Our analysis goes “beyond the numbers” of GDP, Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index, and the World Bank’s Doing Business rankings. On numerous occasions, we have helped clients successfully launch and manage projects in jurisdictions that might have been considered “too risky” on security and corruption concerns if the clients had not looked past these headline figures.

Market Intelligence
Prior to, during, or after a crisis, intelligence is the critical factor determining the successful management of potential damage that threatens your assets, reputation, or personnel. TDI provides the intelligence necessary to develop and support a successful business, legal, or public relations strategy.