Global insight. Actionable GRC intelligence.

Our platform equips you with the intelligence to navigate risk with confidence and precision, transforming complex GRC challenges into strategic advantages.

GRC Tools Tailored for Excellence

  • Integrated GRC Ecosystem: Seamless consolidation of all GRC functions, with real-time analytics and customizable frameworks.
  • Automated & Collaborative: Simplify compliance with automated workflows and foster teamwork with a collaborative interface.
  • Scalability & Precision: Tools designed to grow with your business, featuring predictive risk modeling and precision targeting for issue management.

GRC Risk and Compliance Tools for Strategic Alignment

  • Comprehensive Risk Management: Manage risks with advanced assessments and align them with business objectives for a strategic edge.
  • Proactive & Secure: Stay proactive with automatic regulatory updates and secure sensitive data with robust security protocols.
  • Expert Support & Continuous Improvement: Access our team of experts for guidance and continuously improve with our evolving tools.

Elevate Your GRC Strategy with TDI’s Compliance Solution

  • Informed Decision-Making: Gain insights necessary for informed governance and risk-based decisions with our intuitive dashboards.
  • Unified Risk & Compliance Lifecycle: Manage the entire GRC lifecycle and ensure detailed compliance with comprehensive reporting features.
  • Custom Modules: Benefit from tailor-made compliance modules and expert GRC support, catering to industry-specific regulations, including ABAC and AML.

Comprehensive Coverage and Incident Readiness

  • Advanced Analytics & Coverage: Employ forward-looking analytics for comprehensive risk coverage, including strategic and operational risks.
  • Incident Planning & Custom Indicators: Prepare with effective incident response planning and custom risk indicators designed for your unique risk profile.
  • Secure & Flexible Control: Maintain operational integrity with flexible access controls, ensuring a secure GRC management environment.
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Why TD International?

Having successfully completed more than 5,000 engagements spanning over 100 countries on six continents, we help clients effectively manage risk regardless of industry or geography.
